>> Chinese Meat Recipe

Chinese Microwave Oven Fish (Video)

Here is a quick easy Chinese microwave oven fish recipe (cod), which is another recipe I learnt from my parents. (Scroll down for video).

In this recipe I use the cod fillet, but you can apply the method to all kinds of fish. The cooking steps are very similar to other two recipes you can find from this site: Red Cooked Carp and Chinese Pan Fried Cod. The only difference is to use the microwave oven instead of frying pan or wok.    

I find using the microwave oven is very easy for cooking the fish, particularly for the fish like cod or salmon fillets, because they are soft and not easy to fry like we usually do in our Chinese cooking. Also because of using the microwave oven, this is much healthier than frying. 

Chinese Microwave Cooked Fish Cod

Prep: 5 mins   Cook: 10 mins


  • 2 cod fillets
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 2 tsp Chinese chilli bean paste
  • ginger
  • Chinese black beans
  • spring onions

Method for Chinese Microwave Oven Fish

  • Cut cod fillet into chunks, roughly one and half inch wide. Cut ginger into thin slices and chop the spring onions.
  • If prefer, you may use some salt and light soy sauce to marinate the fish for 5-10 minutes before cooking.
Chinese Microwave Fish and Ingredients.
  • Place the ingredients (Chinese chilli bean paste, black beans and gingers) in a non-metal oven dish. Add one table spoon oil.
Chinese Microwave Fish Sauce & Black Beans.
  • Put the dish and ingredients in the microwave oven, covered by a lid or film, cook under the power (700 Watt) for 1-2 minutes. You may adjust the time according to your microwave power.        

This allows the ingredients to be cooked first, which is similar like in Chinese cooking we would fry the ingredients before cooking the meat.

Chinese Microwave Fish Cooking
  • Once the ingredients are cooked, take them out from the microwave oven. It smells nice.
  • Mix the fish with the ingredients so the fish is coated by the chilli bean sauces.
Chinese Microwave Fish with Sauce
  • Put the fish into the microwave oven, coved by lid or film, under the maximum power (700 Watt) for 4-5 minutes.  
  • Once the fish is cooked, take them out. Add spring onions on the top. Here is the final look of the Chinese microwave oven fish :) 
Chinese Microwave Fish Cod Closeup

If you prefer the spring onions to be cooked, you may put them back to the oven to cook for one more minute. Once it is done, serve at once.

You can watch the cooking video here. To see more Chinese home cooking videos, please subscribe to my Youtube Channel to get the regular update.

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I hope you like this Chinese microwave oven fish recipe. If so, please share with others.

You may also like the Red Cooked Carp or Chinese style oven cooked cod, or Chinese microwave cooked eggs.  

(Posted: 23/12/13; Update: 04/02/2017)

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